A.    Composition of the Board of Directors

1.    The Board shall consist of the six (6) elected officers; four (4) elected Directors; the immediate Past-President if still a member of the organization; and the Chairpersons of each of the Standing Committees as listed in Article X.

2.    A quorum for the Board meeting shall be ten (10) Directors, or a majority whichever is less.

3.    Unauthorized absence of 3 consecutive meetings may constitute removal from the Board.

B.    Rights, duties and powers

1.    Determine the amount of annual dues.

2.    Fix and determine by a majority vote of the Board, any fees, or charges, for activities.

3.    Approve an annual budget.

4.    Authorize the expenditure of money not provided by the budget.

5.    Deposit funds of the organization in any Federally insured financial institution.

6.    Provide for an annual review or audit of the financial records and procedures of the organization.

C.    Committees

1.    All committees act in an advisory capacity and at the discretion of the President and Board.

2.    All members in good standing may attend a committee meeting. Guests may speak if permitted by the chairperson, but have no vote.