Except for the meetings of the Board and Committees, a quorum shall consist of 100 members in good standing, or ten percent (10%) of the membership, whichever is less. Roberts Rules of Order (Revised) shall apply to all meetings.

A.     Annual Meeting: There shall be a meeting of the general membership each year in the Spring. This meeting shall constitute the Annual Meeting. Notice of this meeting shall be given at least (10) days prior to the meeting. Notice may be posted in the JRLW Newsletter, LW News, E-mail and/or JRLW web page.

B.     Agenda for Annual Meeting:

1. Treasurer's financial report shall be given.

2.     Each standing committee report shall be given.

3.     Recommendations of the Board concerning adoption of the annual budget and the annual dues shall be acted upon.

4.     Election of officers.

C.     Special Meeting: A special meeting shall be called by the President when deemed necessary, or upon written request of at least fifty (50) members in good standing. Notice of such Special meeting shall be given no later than seven (7) days prior to the Meeting and shall set forth the purpose of the meeting. A Special meeting shall consider only such business as set forth in the notice.

D.     Voting:

1. Unless otherwise specified, all matters shall be decided by a majority of votes cast.

2. The vote shall be by show of hands.

3. A majority of those members in good standing may request a secret ballot.

E.     Meetings of the Board:

1. Meetings of the Board shall be held monthly. Such meetings shall cover any and all business that the Board may be empowered to transact.

2. A quorum shall be required to conduct JRLW business. (See Article IX, Sec A2)

3. Any JRLW member in good standing may attend Board Meetings and may speak at the discretion of the Presiding Officer, but will not have a vote.

4. The President shall call special meetings of the Board as deemed necessary or as requested by at least 5 members of the Board.

5. Executive meetings: President will conduct an agenda meeting of Officers at least one (1) week prior to the Board meeting.